Building Phase

[ Building Phase ] [ Views of Strawhenge ] [ Views From The Air ]

On August 26th we set about the task of constructing Strawhenge. The 84 foot diameter circle was laid out, and then the straw stubble mowed shorter, to highlight the area where Strawhenge was to stand.

Dry stone artist John Shaw-Rimmington working with two local farmers, Gerry Byers and Joe Beatty began moving and laying out the heavy 8 foot straw bales, using two tractors, pry bars, tapes, levels and spray paint (to mark the proper orientation of the bales). They worked for the better part of the day, in rather humid hazy weather to complete the 32 bale simulation of Stonehenge. The structure looks quite impressive from a distance, as seen from Dale Road.

The standing bales are clustered quite convincingly and look remarkably like a soft ethereal Stonehenge. Standing inside the circle one feels a kind of other-worldliness and a strange sense of enclosure and peace. Strawhenge is now up for viewing until Sept 21st, the Autumn equinox. You should come see it . (Please don't park in the field.)

We are thinking about some sort of final celebration for that day. Any ideas and comments are welcome.

More photos to follow as Strawhenge is photographed at various times of day and in various weather conditions and from the air!